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During the technical meeting of the year 2022 … the Arabian Gulf Oil reviews the activities of its various departments.

As a continuation of the technical meetings of the National Oil Corporation ( NOC) and its companies , the technical meeting with the Arabian Gulf Oil Company was held on Sunday at the company’s headquarters in Benghazi  .


The company’s officials review the various activates of its management in the fields of development drilling , reservoir studies , work over, as well as the performance  of the fields and their oil reserves in the period from July 2021 to July 2022 .  


The meeting discussed the expected production rates of oil and associated gas over the next ten years.


They also discusses the approved budgets, targets, upcoming work programs, and the impact of the scarcity of budgets during the past period on production and development projects.


The chairman of the Company’s management committee, Salah Al-Qatrani , explained that the company looks forward to listening to the proposals of specialists from the NOC at this meeting to overcome difficulties and obstacles and move forward in increasing production and achieving the target .


The meeting was attended by the chairman and member of the Management Committee of the Arabian Gulf Oil , a number of general managers and managers of technical departments from the NOC and the Arabian Gulf Oil Company , and a number of specialists from other oil companies .