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A workshop on using modern technologies in oil services.
Within its interest in increasing production capacity and monitoring oil/gas wells to follow the good oil practice using modern technologies in the field of oil services, the National Oil Corporation (Departments of Reserves Development, Production and Exploration) and Camco International Company for Oil Services organized a workshop on Tuesday morning, May 5, 2021, on the Company’s activities and their capabilities utilizing the modern technologies available for reservoir management.
The company presented its activities and experiences in the field of providing oil services in Libya using Unconventional Openhole Services, electrical logging, oil well maintenance Unconventional Casedhole Services, reservoir studies (FDP, Reservoir Simulation and Asset Management).
Extensive discussions were held during the morning about the extent of the possibility of what Camco will provide by using these new technologies to improve the the reservoir management of the oil companies.
The workshop was attended by a large number of managers of technical departments and specialists at the National Oil Corporation and its subsidiaries and other companies in addition to managers of Camco.
It was agreed to continue providing workshops aimed at solving technical problems in assessing strata and sharing global experiences with experts of the National Oil Corporation.