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Murzuq Oil Services Limited (MOSL) – Asset Integrity Management, Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd September 2021.
Mr Mustafa Sanalla, Chairman of the National Oil Corporation of Libya (NOC), and the members of the Board of Directors of the NOC, Mr. Abulghasem Shanger and Mr. El-Ammari Mohamed El-Amari , held meetings in London with six leading UK engineering contractors and consultants.
The NOC and MOSL have recognised that many of the NOC and its affiliates assets are aging and exceeding their design life as many of the surface facilities and pipeline systems were built in the 1960 and 70s. The NOC and MOSL are concerned about the reliability of their assets as they aim to sustain current production levels and increase NOC production capacity to over 2 MBOPD.
The NOC and MOSL are holding the meetings to discuss Asset Integrity Management (AIM) and how it can be applied to their aging assets. MOSL is assisting the NOC in driving a focus on the importance of AIM from the design outset and throughout the asset’s lifecycle.
Mr Sanalla emphasised the importance of AIM and stated that this initiative has the highest priority within the NOC and its affiliates. Mr Sanalla has asked MOSL to engage with UK engineering contractors, on an urgent basis in order to meet its AIM strategic objective and immediate requirement to improve reliability of some key strategic assets.
These meetings were attended by Dr. Khalifa Abdulsadek, Acting Chief Executive Officer Murzuq Oil Services Company, Mr. Mohamed Shatwan, Chairman of Mellitah Company, Mr. Fadlallah Ahtitah, Chairman of the Arabian Gulf Oil Company, Mr. Khalifa Amro, Chairman of Harouge Company, Mr. Masoud Suleiman, Chairman of Sirte Company, Mr Mohamed Jamal El Din Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Nafusa Oil Operations and technical advisors from the National Oil Corporation.