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NOC Announce the completion of the first development drilling well in Erawn field operated by Zelaf oil and gas company
NOC announce that on Friday, March 19, 2021, the first development well E04 in the Erawn field operated by ZLOG was put on production test after the drilling and completion operations were completed, without burning any amount of oil by applying (Zero gas flaring) technology, where the crude oil produced from the Erawn field is transported to the nearest Surface facilities in the Akakos Sharara field, which is about 100 km from Erawn field.
It is worth noting that the start of these operations faced many difficulties, and great challenges however, the company made great efforts to solve them with the great help and support of the National Oil Corporation.
The initial results of the well were encouraging, as the daily oil production of the well has reached more than 1,800 barrels / day, and testing will continue at different choke size until the required data are obtained and the well and the reservoir are properly evaluated.
On this occasion, the Chairman and the Board of Directors of the National Oil Corporation presents to the Management Committee and all employees of the ZLOG and all Libyans with the warmest congratulations and blessings, and wishes for success to complete the drilling operations, installation of surface equipment and the export Pipeline until the field is fully put in production to be a new a new tributary to the national economy.