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NOC discusses production increase plans with Equinor and Suncor Energy

Eng. Mustafa Sanalla, Chairman of National Oil Corporation (NOC), conducted a series of meetings in London to discuss recent oil and gas sector developments in Libya.
Mr. Sanalla met with Mr. Joe Smargiassi, General Manager of Suncor Libya, to examine mechanisms to enhance cooperation. They focused on the activation of a Joint Project Team to increase production at fields operated by Harouge Oil Operations (HOO).
Separately, the NOC chairman held talks with Equinor, which is a NOC Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement partner and a member of the second-party consortium of the Akakus-operated Sharara oil field. 
Equinor was represented by Mr. Paul McCafferty, Senior Vice President for Exploration; Ms. Janne Cecilie Rui, VP for Exploration Offshore Access; as well as Mr. Pierre Marais, VP & Country Manager, and Mr. Fadel Harib, Deputy GM & Asset Manager from Equinor Libya.
The NOC delegation included Eng. Abulgasem Shengheer, NOC board member for exploration and production, and Mr. Abdulwahab En-Neamy, chairman of HOO Management Committee.
October 11, 2019