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NOC investigates suspected device explosion at Zawiya refinery

National Oil Corporation (NOC) convened an emergency meeting at the headquarters of the Azzawiya Oil Refining Company (ARC) following a suspected device explosion on July 15, 2019, at the offices of the team overseeing the second phase of the refinery’s development.
A formal investigation into the bombing was launched following a meeting between NOC’s Industrial Security Department and management from ARC and Akakus Oil Operations. Officials from the Petroleum Facilities Guard, security service, and municipal council also attended. 
Parties agreed on recommendations to improve security procedures, including the establishment of a joint security operations room, and upgrade of monitoring, technology and communication protocols.
NOC expresses its relief that no staff were injured in the explosion and strongly condemns all attempts to intimidate and endanger oil sector workers. The corporation will exhaust all necessary legal means to pursue those behind this attack.