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NOC restructures BPMC management committee
The chairman of National Oil Corporation (NOC) has praised the previous leadership team and welcomed in new leaders of Brega Petroleum Marketing Company.
According to General Assembly Resolution No. 50 of 2020, the handover ceremony between the Brega Petroleum Marketing Company (BPMC) management committees was held on Sunday May 3, 2020 at NOC headquarters in Tripoli and via CCTV from Benghazi.
The former chairman of the management committee, Mr Imad Ben Koura, congratulated Mr Ibrahim Abubridaa, wishing him and his colleagues success in their mission. Mr Imad Ben Koura also praised BPMC employees’ efforts, team spirit and constant work to serve all the country’s citizens.
Mr Ibrahim Abubridaa, chairman of BPMC management committee, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the former chairman and management committee for their efforts throughout their period of leadership. Mr. Ibrahim Abubridaa said the company had withstood many challenges thanks to its wise management and the highly motivated and patriotic employees in locations throughout the country. He stressed his keenness to continue this tireless work and to move forward to advance the company and develop its operations.
NOC chairman, Eng. Mustafa Sanalla, thanked the former management committee and praised the efforts it made during their period of management. He also wished success to the chairman and new members, stressing the support of NOC and the whole sector towards them.
The meeting was attended by the chairman and members of the former BPMC management committee; Mr Imad Ben Koura, Mr Muhammad Rahil, Mr Masoud Allaqa’a, and the chairman and members of the new management committee; Mr Ibrahim Abubridaa, Mr Faraj Al-Juaidi and Mr Abdurrahman Al-Obeidi, in addition to the members of the committee assigned by NOC to supervise the handover ceremony; Mr Belaid Salem, Mr Ramadan bin Shaaban, and Dr Almahbub Almahbub Drider.