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Rapid and serious efforts to guarantee continuous supplies of fuel as well as providing best services to our people in the South
Within the framework of joint coordination between the Government of National Unity and the National Oil Corporation, based on the utmost concern to provide all oil derivatives and create spatial development programs.
Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Ramadan Abu-Jnah, NOC Chairman, Mr. Mustafa Sanalla, Chairman of Brega Oil Marketing Co., Mr. Ibrahim Abu Bredea, Manager of the Sustainable Development Dept. of NOC, Mr. Mukhtar Abduddayem, and the General Manager of Operations for the Western and Southern Regions of Brega Co., Mr. Khaled Ouheba, visited Sabha on Saturday morning 29th May 2021, on an inspection visit to the region, and they were received by the elders, sages and sheikhs of the region.
The delegation toured the oil depot at Sabha International Airport, and the Sabha oil depot, to inspect the fuel supply operations to those two oil depots. They met with workers there who told them about the problems and difficulties affecting the oil depots, in order to make the appropriate solutions to guarantee fuel supplies to that area.
Deputy Prime Minister explained to the sheikhs and elders of the region the need to intensify efforts and to work together to establish security in order to provide all services and find a solution to all the difficulties encountering the region. He assured that the government will make all possible efforts to achieve this goal.
During the visit, a meeting was held with the council of sages, sheikhs and mayors of municipalities of the Shatii area, in which Deputy Prime Minister explained in detail the plans and visions of the government for the southern region. NOC Chairman, Mr. Sanalla, stated that NOC is committed to deliver fuel to “our people in the south despite all the difficulties, and we hope that the security situation will improve so that this can be done smoothly. NOC is making all possible efforts to achieve spatial development at the south, through the sustainable development programs performed with its partners, so that benefits can be delivered to everyone.”
Mr. Sanalla stated that fuel deliveries will continue, and that there are other quantities that will be delivered in two days. He also clarified that Shatii area will be provided automatically and its quota will not be entered into the Sabha depots. Gas supplies will also be delivered consequently to the South, and there is a plan made for gas deliveries to the southern areas.
The delegation held a meeting with the Town Council of Edri – Shatii, in which they were informed about the difficulties and challenges faced by the Town Council of Edri – Shatii. Mr. Ramadan, Deputy Prime Minister, stated that the government will solve all problems as soon as possible, “if God wills”.
Mr. Sanalla pointed out that NOC will endeavor to grant some of the demands and solve some bottlenecks through the sustainable development programs as much as possible, and pursuant to the availability of the required budgets. He stated that “that is least that can be achieved for our people in the South.” He also confirmed that Edri will be included in the programs of the Sustainable Development Dpt.