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The continuation of oil production and incapability of the Sea locomotives to connect the vessels due to bad weather

The National Oil Corporation (NOC) states that the the oil ports in Al-Brega, El-Sidra Zawia and Ras Lanuf are closed due to bad weather, and some social media pages have reported inaccurate news published for purposes that do not serve the interests of the country.
In this regard the Media Office of the NOC confirms the following:
Libyan oil ports are open ports and the guide is unable to carry out his duties in a safe manner and in accordance with the safety guidelines for shipping, as well as the inability of the locomotive to handle the connecting equipment and hoses.
In addition, the locomotive is unable to handle the connecting equipment and hoses between the floating docks at the sea and is an estimated 0,750 nautical miles away near the abductor area to avoid damaging the hull of the tanker or colliding with the bottom.
It is noteworthy that there are calculations of the efficiency of the locomotive during the waves and stresses located on equipment, connectivity and that the National Oil Corporation and its subsidiaries are committed to following the guidelines of the environment, health and maritime safety, in addition to its commitment to the application of the International Code of Ship Security and Port Facilities (ISPS) at oil ports operated by its subsidiaries.
While we assure to the public of the commitment of the National Oil Corporation to its technical and non-political role, it regrets the untrue news issued by some quarters.