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The National Oil Corporation and Akakos Oil Operations Company discuss the severe technical deteriorations regarding the collapse of one of the oil tanks due to the illegal closures

Eng. Mustafa Sanalla, Board of Directors Chairman, spearheaded an emergency meeting between the National Oil Corporation (NOC) and the Akakus Oil Operations Company, which was held this morning, Wednesday 3th of June 2020 at the “NOC’s” headquarters in Tripoli, In the presence of the members of the Board of Directors, Mr. Abulgasem Shengher and Mr Elamari M. Elamari.

the current security challenges were discussed During the meeting which the company are encountering in relation to the technical consequences that commenced as a result of the Surge Tank D101 B collapse situated in the area (GOSP115) with a capacity of (16,000) barrels belonging to the “Al-Shrara field” three days ago.

The maintenance teams were prevented from carrying out their work by an armed militia under the so-called “Akram al-Roni”, from implementing any maintenance to protect the infrastructure of the Hamada Valves site.

At the meeting commenced , the Chairman of the Board, Eng. Mustafa Sanalla, said that preventing the maintenance teams from carrying out their work by the so-called “Abd Al- Karim Al Roni” is a criminal act and a blatant violation of the Libyan and the country’s wealth, which have declined to a critical level, due to a rogue group, which prevented maintenance workers and technicians from entering the site to restart the valves back on and commence pumping oil and reducing the sector and the homeland losses , as a result of transgressions on oil installations and preventing production, and stressing that the losses exceeded to this day the 5 billion US dollars, with this amount, it was possible to alleviate the suffering of the Libyan people, especially in light of the circumstances of the outbreak of the Corona Virus pandemic (Covid 19), while Libya is relying on up to 97% on oil revenues.

On the other hand, Mr. Nouri Al-Seid, Chairman of the Akakos Oil Operations Company’s management committee, stressed that it will become more difficult to implement any maintenance operations as time goes by, and that there will be many other technical consequences that will not appear now, so we demand that the NOC teams to be allowed to commence the urgent maintenance operations and save what can be saved.

The attendees also discussed on the precautionary measures taken by the company based on the Instructions of the NOC for all its companies to combat the Corona pandemic

The Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the NOC stressed the full support of the company to overcome all difficulties, stressing at the same time that legal prosecution will be pursued for all who tamper with the NOC sites and its companies.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mustafa Sanalla, concluded the meeting by saying: “The country is going through a critical point in its history, which is the most perilous, Libya is at a crossroads, and We call on those responsible for the closures of the oil resources, the need to lift their hands from the oil sector and let the NOC work for the common good and they must realize the serious and consequences of these closures, which will only make Libya a failed state in the real sense, and everyone must put the interest of the nation and future generations that will build Libya in the future above all.”

The meeting was attended by the Chairman and members of the Management Committee of the Akakus Oil Operations Company, 

Mr.Nouri Al-Seid, Mr.Osama Al-Lutai, Mr.Ahmed Al-Ghazal, and some of the company’s departments managers, Mr. Khaled Al-Sukni, Mr.Ali Gashoot, Mr.Abdullah bin Amer, Mr.Salem Al-Salabi and Mr.Ahmed Margham.