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The National Oil Corporation issues the formal approval of a custdoy transfer measurement systems within the operation regions of Waha Oil Company
In this week, the General Directorate of Inspection and Measurement of the National Oil Corporation (NOC) issued the final approval of measurement systems attributed to the oil tank farm at Es Sidra Oil Terminal, which operates with radar technology، The installed automatic tank gauging system technically approved by the American Petroleum Institute for fiscal measurement and custody transfer measurement.
Further to The final approval of gas flow measurement systems pumped from Faregh field to the Sarir power plant, whereas the approved ultrasonic flow meters operated for fiscal measurement and custody transfer purposes comply with the American Gas Association standards .
The technical accreditations were issued in accordance with the interim and final accreditation plan based on the requirements of the Libyan Measurement Code approved by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NOC, and after the success of many on-site tests conducted during the past days, where these tests were tasked with achieving the required accuracy in accordance with applied international standards.