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The NOC Chairman meets the Mayors of Wahat and Tazerbu Municipalities
The NOC chairman Eng. Mustafa Sanalla met on Thursday 27th 2021 the mayors of Wahat and Tazerbu municipalities, Messrs. Muhammad Al-Mabruk, mayor of Jekherra, Ahmad Issa, Mayor of Oujela, Abdulbaset Bazama, mayor of Jalo, Alyan Qashqash, deputy -mayor of Tazerbu. The meeting was also attended by Mr. Mukhtar Abduddayem, Director of the Sustainable Development Department of NOC.
During the meeting many issues of concern to the population of these areas were discussed, including the NOC contribution in the completion of some road construction projects at these municipalities; and availing more opportunities to the local companies to contract with the oil sector entities; resolving some problems relating to transportations through the airports of oil fields; the establishment of centers for filling gas cylinders and other issues.
NOC chairman Eng.Mustafa Sanalla clarified that NOC seeks to support the population and the local authorities in the areas adjacent to the oil operations sites, to contribute in their development; improve the level of services and resolve some bottlenecks as far as capabilities are available and the needed financial resources are allocated to NOC. He added “We always seek to urge our overseas partners to make more contributions to these programs, especially in the areas close to their operations. There will be more projects during the upcoming period, especially after NOC managed to enter into new agreements relating to sustainable development with a number of companies such as Total and Wintershall.”
Eng. Sanalla urged the mayors of municipalities to contact the Sustainable Development Department in order to carry out any agreed programs once the sufficient financial resources are available. He pointed out that NOC pays special attention to the oasis areas and their neighboring areas. He added that NOC has already contributed in resolving many bottlenecks and performed many projects and programs, and that NOC continues to commit to this duty, if God wills.
The attendees praised NOC’s role in preserving the unity of the oil and gas sector throughout the past period, despite the difficulties and challenges.