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(With the participation of the National Oil Corporation in the World Petroleum Conference in its ’23’ session in Houston, the capital of global energy)
The launch of the activities of the World Petroleum Conference in Houston, USA, the capital of world energy on December 5, 2021, with the participation of a delegation from the National Oil Corporation (NOC) headed by Mr. Al-Fitouri Ibrahim Al-Hajj – Senior Advisor to the Board of Directors and accompanied by Messrs. Abdullah Ibrahim Ashwaqi – Senior Advisor to the Board of Directors of Sirte Oil Company and Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim Abdo Denberno – General Manager of the National Oil Corporation ‘Houston’ branch and Mr. Mohamed Mahmoud bin Koura – Senior Specialist in the International Cooperation Office of the Corporation.
The presence of the National Oil Corporation was among the 100 participating countries in the conference to confirm the permanent presence of the NOC in such international conferences and symposiums, which the Corporation saw as embodying in it its “keeping pace with global industries and modern technology in the field of energy and in line with the requirements and aspirations of the world in the field of oil industries and maintaining The environment in a manner that ensures securing and meeting the country’s requirements and continuing to raise the level of growth in all fields and to advance the current level to the level of citizen’s aspirations.”
In the interest of the NOC to deliver a clear message that Libya is a promising country in all fields related to activity (oil and gas and other industries associated with petrochemical operations), and this includes (exploration and development of undeveloped oil and gas discoveries and rehabilitation of infrastructure, oil ports and fields that were damaged during the last period And an explicit call for major international companies specialized in the field to participate constructively and effectively and invest in this field to raise production capacity.
The first day of the World Petroleum Congress witnessed the visit of a number of major companies and institutions to the NOC’s pavilion, including the Deputy Executive Director of Conaco Phillips, the Director of the Office of Public Policy and US Energy Resources, and a number of other companies related to the field of energy and petrochemical industries.