Mustafa Sanalla discusses Social Initiatives and Sustainable Development Programs in Tawergha Municipality
Within the framework of the social initiatives of the National Oil Corporation (NOC), Mustafa Sanalla, Chairman of the Board of Directors, met on Thursday morning April 29, 2021, with Mr. Abdul Rahman Shakshak, Chairman of the Tawergha Local Council. The meeting discussed the possibility of providing some services and resolving the bottlenecks that Tawergha suffers from through the sustainable development programs that the National Oil Corporation works on implementing from time to time.
Chairman Mustafa Sanalla explained that although some cities are far from our areas of operations, however, within the framework of social responsibility, we are trying to provide assistance as much as possible to contribute to creating spatial development, especially in those areas affected by wars and conflicts and to contribute to the provision of livelihood and comfort for the honorable citizen.
Mr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Shakshak praised the efforts made by the National Corporation, headed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, in providing some services and resolving bottlenecks in some areas, according to what is being published in the media, noting the great role that Eng. Mustafa Sanalla played in the previous period in preserving the unity of the sector and avoiding political conflicts.
Al-Shakshak reviewed a number of difficulties and bottlenecks that Tawergha suffers from, represented in providing some cables and electricity posts, transporting war remnants, maintenance of some schools and state institutions and providing a warehouse of cooking gas, as the city suffers from the absence of a warehouse for the distribution of cooking gas. Immediately NOC Chairman, Mustafa Sanalla, gave his instructions to Brega Oil Marketing Company to find an urgent solution and it was agreed to accelerate the opening of a gas depot in the city. Mr. Sanalla explained that the National Oil Corporation will work as much as possible and according to the availability of budgets to meet some of the demands and solve these bottlenecks.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Ibrahim Khalifa, Acting Manager of the Sustainable Development Department at the National Oil Corporation, Mr. Abd al-Nabi Abu Araba, head of the Committee Implementing Tawergha Misrata Agreement on behalf of the city and Mr. Faraj Makhzoum, a representative of Tawergha Youth Association.